How to transport your mobile home in France and Europe?
LMNP status (non-professional furnished renter) and advantages
How to declare the rental of a mobile home?
When you generate income from the rental of your mobile home, you must declare it to the tax authorities. There are different scenarios depending on the status you have adopted.
Here is some useful information to declare the rental of a mobile home…
The different statutes for renting a mobile home
- Micro-BIC regime (Industrial and Commercial Profits)
First of all, let’s talk about the Micro-BIC or Micro-enterprise regime. This Micro-Bic regime is open to entrepreneurs with an annual income limit (excluding VAT) of 72,600 euros, which must not be exceeded. This status simplifies the accounting process since it eliminates the need to prepare annual accounts or a balance sheet. Keeping an up-to-date record of receipts and purchases is nevertheless essential. A 50% deduction is applied at the time of tax calculation. You will also have to pay various social deductions (CSG, CRDS…) and it will be impossible for you to recover the VAT on thepurchase of your mobile home.
- The LMP regime (Loueur en Meublé Professionnel)
To obtain this regime in Real Simplified it is necessary to be registered at the commercial court and to have incomes generated by your rental activity higher than 72.600 euros per year.
- The LMNP regime (Loueur en Meublé Non Professionnel)
As the name suggests, this status does not make you a professional. The annual income from the rental must not exceed 70,000 euros per year and must not represent more than 50% of the household’s taxable income.
Our opinion
The LMNP or the Micro-BIC are the preferred regimes for mobile home owners who wish to make a seasonal rental in order to generate additional income. This formula is also the one that requires the least administrative steps. It also allows you to take back the mobile home for your own use at any time without justification.
How to declare the rental income from a mobile home?
The income you receive from the rental of your mobile home must of course be declared to the tax authorities, regardless of your status. For seasonal rentals, the Micro-Bic or LMNP regime will be more easily used if the income generated is modest.
When you file your tax return, you will need to fill out the 2042 C PRO form to declare your annual rental income. According to the tax authorities, the rental of a mobile home is assimilated “to the supply of furnished accommodation when these goods constitute real fixed installations”.
With the Micro-Bic regime, you will benefit from a 50% deduction on the declared income. However, you will not be able to deduct any purchases or renovation costs incurred for your mobile home.
On the other hand, the LMNP status offers many tax advantages. You will be able to deduct all the expenses concerning your mobile home: works, purchase of equipment… You will also be able to benefit from the recovery of the VAT on the purchase of the mobile home as well as that of all these equipments. The choice of the regime thus depends on the incomes drawn from the hiring of your mobile home. Before you start renting your mobile home, it is essential to make a comparative study in order to choose the most advantageous status for you.
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